NIDM, the National Think Tank on Disaster Management, conducted a three-day summer contingencies simulation exercise from 8-10 May, 2024 at Quetta. The SimEx consisted of both tabletop scenarios as well as field visits by the participants to interact with vulnerable communities and relevant institutions/organizations for first-hand knowledge on preparedness and needs-gap analysis. The tabletop exercise was executed engaging the participants primarily from the Balochistan civil service, line departments, local NGOs, and academia.

However, field activity was done by the participants from BUITEMS and Bolan University of Medical, and Health Sciences (BUMHS), and local NGOs. Based on NEOC’s prediction and forecast, challenges of urban flooding and heat waves were selected for the exercise. More than 130 individuals attended the SimEx. The participants besides a theoretical understanding of the hazards and scenario-based response exercise, were taken to the community vulnerable to floods and heatwaves, for a needs gap survey and awareness-raising purposes. 


Another group of participants visited Metropolitan Corporation Quetta (MCQ) where they were provided an opportunity to interact with the MCQ management and technical experts to understand the causes of urban flooding in Quetta and potential solutions for the challenges. The technical team of MCQ entertained the questions by the SimEx participants. Commissioner Quetta was also present at the occasion to address the queries of the participants. Illegal encroachment and the low capacity of the existing drainage system of Quetta were found the main causes of urban flooding. MCQ administration shared their plans to counter the situation.